
Daniel Jepsen


Pastor Daniel Jepsen joined Franklin Community Church in 2001 as Associate Pastor.  He was asked to become Senior Pastor in 2005.

Daniel received his BA from Tennessee Temple University with a Bible major and his MA from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in theology and philosophy.

Daniel is married to a beautiful woman named Amy, who views it as her chief duty to keep him sane and out of trouble. They have been blessed with three children: Rachel, Joseph, and Sarah.

Daniel focuses mainly on teaching and pastoral care.

Nathan Beasley


Pastor Nathan Beasley joined Franklin Community Church in 2020. He is a graduate of Franklin College and Fuller Theological Seminary.

He and his wife, Abby, met at Franklin College through the campus ministry InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (where Abby now currently works). After 4 weeks of marriage, they moved to the Dominican Republic to serve as missionaries for 2 years.

Nathan and Abby have two beautiful sons, Peter Nouwen and James Willard, who light up their world!

Nathan is getting his feet wet in pulpit ministry and he oversees the administrative tasks of the church. 


We are an elder-led church, because we believe this to be in line with the New Testament teaching that a plurality of elders should lead the church. Our elders are chosen by a prayerful discernment process by the existing elders. Each elder serves a three-year term.


Jeff is married to Julie and they have two adult children: Abby and Austin.

Term ends: 2025

Darren Thompson

Darren is married to Bonnie and they have four adult children: Becky, Emily, Kyle, and Kevin.

Term ends: 2027


Steve is married to Gena and they have three adult children: Jessica, Jeremy, and Olivia.

Term ends: 2025

David Clendening

David is married to Angie and they have four adult children: Ethan, Jeff, Ryan, and Tate.

Term ends: 2026