When Crafting a Rule of Life, think "Trellis"
6 Reasons "Trellises" are helpful Illustrations. They:
- Offer Support - Just as trellises offer plants something to attach to help them grow, your rule of life will help you cling a set of practices that will support your growth.
- Give Direction - Just as plants grow in direction of the trellis, so your rule of life will direct your growth to be in accordance with your deepest desire and the plan God has for you.
- Provide Protection - Just as a plant on the ground is subject to the elements--moisture of the ground and the feeding of creatures-- so your rule of life help you be less vulnerable to threats to your spiritual life.
- Promote Fruitfulness - Because a plant is supported, directed, and protected by being attached to the trellis, it is more likely to bear fruit. As you are supported, directed, and protected by a rule of life, you will increase in fruitfulness!
- Are Diverse - Just as trellises come in different shapes and sizes, so your rule of life ought to be personalized to support you according to your unique personality, season of life, and place in your spiritual journey.
- Are Not the Primary Focus - Though trellises are beautiful, they are there for the plant. In the same way, your rule of life is there to support you. As the trellis serves the plant, so your rule of life serves you. Not the other way around.
5 Things to Keep in mind as you craft a Rule of Life
- Start Where You're At
- Consider Specificity and Structure
- Addition and Subtraction
- Include Upstream and Downstream Practices
- Cultivation, not Causation
For more on these, view the introductory sermon!
Rule of Life Templates
Trellises come in all shapes and sizes. Like trellises, there is no "One size fits all" Rule of Life. Here are a few templates that might help as you think about crafting one that works for you!
Websites, Blogs, and Videos
- Rule of Life Resources:
- Prayer Resources

View Sermons on Crafting a Rule of Life
Silence, Solitude, & Stillness